Iolo Morganwg: an introduction to the life, work, places and social networks of Iolo Morganwg
The Archive
Iolo Morganwg's archive is housed at the National Library of Wales
Iolo's Glamorgan
An introduction to Iolo Morganwg's Glamorgan and sense of regionalism
Iolo Morganwg and Aberthaw
Iolo Morganwg and the importance of Beaupr Castle in his bardic vision
Iolo Morganwg's connections with Cowbridge
Stalling Down
Iolo Morganwg and Stalling Down
Iolo Morganwg and Carmarthen
Golych Valley
Iolo Morganwg and the druidic remains of the Golych Valley in Glamorgan
Iolo Morganwg, John Walters and Llandough
St Mary Church
Iolo Morganwg and St Mary Church
Llantwit Major
Iolo Morganwg and Llantwit Major
Iolo Morganwg and Pennon
Iolo Morganwg, Pontypridd and the Gorsedd of the Bards of the Island of Britain
Iolo Morganwg and Gileston
Where Iolo Morganwg's mother was raised
Iolo Morganwg's connections with Flemingston
Iolo Morganwg's Life
An introduction to the many facets of Iolo Morganwg
Autobiographical material (NLW 21387E)
Autobiographical material by Iolo Morganwg
NLW 21387E - 10
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 13
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 2
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 4
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 6
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 7
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
NLW 21387E - 8
Iolo Morganwg: autobiographical material
The Poet and Hymnist
Iolo Morganwg: the poet and hymnist
The Forger
Iolo Morganwg the literary forger
The Antiquary and Nation Builder
A brief introduction to Iolo Morganwg the antiquary and nation builder
The Opium Eater
Iolo Morganwg and laudanum
The Letter Writer
Iolo Morganwg the letter writer
The Radical
Iolo Morganwg's radicalism
The Stonemason
Iolo Morganwg the stonemason
The Shopkeeper
Iolo Morganwg and his shop, Cowbridge
The Agricultural Observer and Farmer
Iolo Morganwg the agricultural observer and farmer
The Unitarian
Iolo Morganwg the Unitarian
Ode on the Mythology of the Ancient British Bards
'Ode on the Mythology of the Ancient British Bards' by Iolo Morganwg
Relevant Links
Relevant Links
Iolo's Legacy
An introduction to Iolo Morganwg's legacy
The legacy of bardism
The legacy of bardism, Iolo Morganwg's bardic vision
Centenary of Iolo's death, 1926
The centenary of Iolo Morganwg's death
The counterfeit material
Iolo Morganwg the literary forger
Critique of Iolo Morganwg's work
Iolo Morganwg and Romantic Forgery
Iolo Morganwg the Romantic literary forger
Hymns and poems
The influence of Iolo Morganwg's hymns and poetry
A mythical figure
Iolo Morganwg the mythical figure
Iolo Morganwg's Correspondence
The correspondence of Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Taliesin Williams, 17 January 1826
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Edward Jones, 1 January 1794
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to David Williams, 1 January 1803
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to William Owen Pughe, 20 December 1798
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Sir Richard Colt Hoare, 17 August 1797
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Magistrates at Cowbridge, 13 March 1818
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to William Meyler, 1 January 1792
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Revd Evan Evans, 1 April 1779
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Edward Eagleton to Iolo Morganwg, 3 Aug 1782
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Owen Jones to Iolo Morganwg, 11 July 1779
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Owain Myfyr to Iolo Morganwg, 30 September 1782
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
William Matthews to I.M., 6 October 1796
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Siencin Morgan to Iolo Morganwg 30 Nov 1771
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
William Owen Pughe to Iolo Morganwg, 28 Aug 1800
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
William Jenkins Rees to Iolo Morganwg, 28 January 1822
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Daniel Walters to Iolo Morganwg, 27 June 1782
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Daniel Walters to Iolo Morganwg, 1 October 1782
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
John Walters jr. to Iolo Morganwg, 4 March 1783
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Owen Jones, 20 September 1783
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Margaret Williams to Iolo Morganwg, 1 January 1793
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain) to Iolo Morganwg, 16 May 1793
A letter to Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Revd Hugh Jones, 4 June 1794
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Margaret Williams, 27 August 1794
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Margaret Williams, 19 Feb 1794
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
I.M. to William Matthews, 18 July 1796
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to the Board of Agriculture, 28 July 1796
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Owen Jones, 5 April 1806
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Taliesin Williams, 16–17 Aug 1813
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Benjamin Hall, 14 March 1816
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo Morganwg to Taliesin Williams, 30 May 1826
A letter by Iolo Morganwg
Iolo's Work
An introduction to the work of Iolo Morganwg
Travel Journal 1796
Extracts from a travel journal by Iolo Morganwg, 1796
Y Bardd yn Dychwelyd i Forgannwg Wedi bod Flynyddau lawer yn Lloegr
A Welsh poem by Iolo Morganwg
I Owain Myfyr
A satirical poem about Owen Jones (Owain Myfyr) by Iolo Morganwg
Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain (1829)
Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain (1829) by Iolo Morganwg
Barddoniaeth Dafydd ab Gwilym (1789)
Iolo Morganwg's forgeries of the poems of Dafydd ap Gwilym
Dagrau yr Awen neu Farwnad Lewis Hopcin Fardd, o Landyfodwg ym Morganwg
An elegy to Lewis Hopcin by Iolo Morganwg
Cywydd i Ddyfalu Serch
A love poem by Iolo Morganwg
Letter to the Gentleman's Magazine (1789)
Letter sent by Iolo Morganwg to the Gentleman's Magazine (1789) introducing himself to the London literary scene
The Primacy of South Wales (NLW 13128A, p. 302)
Comments by Iolo Morganwg about the rivalry between north and south Wales
The Heroic Elegies of Llywarç Hen (1792)
Bardism, introduced in William Owen Pughe's The Heroic Elegies of Llywarch Hen (1792)
The History of the Bards
Iolo Morganwg and his ambition to write the definitive 'History of the Bards'
Autobiographical material by Iolo Morganwg
Autobiographical material by Iolo Morganwg
Ode to Laudanum
A poem to laudanum by Iolo Morganwg
Introduction to The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales:
extracts from the introduction to 'The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales'
The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales (1801–7)
Iolo Morganwg and the making of The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales
Poems, Lyric and Pastoral (1794)
Poems, Lyric and Pastoral (1794) by Iolo Morganwg
Banks of the Daw
A poem by Iolo Morganwg
Ode on the Mythology of the Ancient British Bards
A poem by Iolo Morganwg
Ode on converting a sword into a pruning hook
A poem by Iolo Morganwg
Salmau yr Eglwys yn yr Anialwch
Iolo Morganwg's hymns
Lewis Morris, Sarcasm on Cardigan
Spiteful comments by Iolo Morganwg about Lewis Morris
Schools of Welsh poetry, a sketch (NLW 13098B, pp. 87–90)
An essay by Iolo Morganwg on the bardic tradition in Wales
Trial by Jury (1795)
Trial by Jury (1795) by Iolo Morganwg
Plan of the Analytical Dissertation on the Welsh Language, by E.W.
A plan by Iolo Morganwg for an essay on the Welsh language
Bibliography of Iolo Morganwg
Iolo's Glamorgan
An introduction to Iolo Morganwg's Glamorgan
Iolo Morganwg's connections with Llancarvan
Iolo's People
An inroduction to the friends and acquaintances of Iolo Morganwg
John Williams (Ab Ithel, 1811-62)
John Williams (Ab Ithel, 1811-62)
Daniel Walters (1762–87)
Daniel Walters (1762%u201387) and Iolo Morganwg
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu Eryri, 1759–1822)
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu Eryri, 1759%u20131822) and Iolo Morganwg
Edward 'Celtic' Davies (1751-1831)
Edward Evan (1716-98)
Edward Evan (1716-98)
Edward Jones (1752-1824)
Edward Jones (1752-1824)
Edward Owen (1853-1943)
Edward Owen (1853-1943)
Elijah Waring (c. 1788–1857)
Evan Evans (1731-88)
Griffith John Williams (1892-1963)
The Grammarians
William John Roberts (Gwilym Cowlyd, 1828-1904)
Sir Ifor Williams (1881-1965)
John Bradford (1706-85)
Sir John Morris Jones (1864-1929)
John Walters (1721–97)
John Walters, jun. (1760–89)
Lewis Morris (1701–65)
Lewis Hopkin (1707/8–71)
The London-Welsh Societies
Evan Davies (Myfyr Morganwg, 1801-88)
Owen Jones (Owain Myfyr, 1741–1814)
Rowland Williams (Hwfa Môn, 1823-1905)
David Samwell (Dafydd Ddu Feddyg, 1751–98)
Taliesin Williams (1787-1847)
T C Evans (Cadrawd, 1846-1914)
Thomas Richards (1709–90)
Thomas Stephens (1821-1875)
Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain, 1761–1849)
William Owen Pughe (1759-1835)
Iolo Morganwg - the Project
Conference 2002
Conference 2003
Conference 2004
Conference 2006
Conference 2007
Iolo Morganwg and the Romantic Tradition in Wales: 2007 forum
Conference 2008
Last Iolo Morganwg project forum
Publications by the project.
A Rattleskull Genius