Iolo Morganwg


Select Bibliography

Primary Printed Sources

Jones, Owen, Morganwg, Iolo, and Pughe, William Owen. The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, 3 vols., London, 1801–7

Owen, William. The Heroic Elegies of Llywarç Hen, London, 1792

Williams, Edward. Poems, Lyric and Pastoral, 2 vols., London, 1794

Williams, John (ab Ithel) (ed.), Barddas, 2 vols, i Llandovery, 1862; ii London, 1874

Williams (ed.), Taliesin. Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain: ys ef Llwybreiddiaeth ag Athrawiaeth ar y Farddoniaeth Gymraeg a'i Pherthynasau, yn ol Trefn a Dosparth y Prif Feirdd gynt ar y Gelfyddyd wrth Gerdd Dafod (Abertawy, 1829)
(ed.). Cyfrinach Beirdd Ynys Prydain, Abertawy, 1829

Iolo Manuscripts: A Selection of Ancient Welsh Manuscripts, in Prose and Verse, from the collection made by the late Edward Williams, Iolo Morganwg; for the Purpose of forming a continuation of the Myfyrian Archaiology; and Subsequently Proposed as Materials for a New History of Wales (Llandovery, 1848).

Secondary Sources

Bowen, Geraint. Golwg ar Orsedd y Beirdd, Caerdydd, 1992

Bowen, Geraint and Zonia. Hanes Gorsedd y Beirdd, Abertawe, 1991

Butler, Marilyn. Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries: English Literature and its Background 1760–1830, Oxford, 1981

Cannon, John, and Constantine, Mary-Ann. 'A Welsh Bard in Wiltshire: Iolo Morganwg, Silbury and the Sarsens', Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 97 (2004), 78–88

Carr, Glenda. William Owen Pughe, Caerdydd, 1983
William Owen Pughe, Caernarfon, 1993
'An Uneasy Partnership: Iolo Morganwg and William Owen Pughe' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 443–60
'Bwrlwm bywyd y Cymry yn Llundain yn y ddeunawfed ganrif' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Cof Cenedl XI: Ysgrifau ar Hanes Cymru, Llandysul, 1996, pp. 59–87

Charnell-White, Cathryn. Barbarism and Bardism: North Wales versus South Wales in the Bardic Vision of Iolo Morganwg, Aberystwyth, 2004
'Women and Gender in the Private and Social Relationships of Iolo Morganwg' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 359–81

Constantine, Mary-Ann. The Truth Against the World: Iolo Morganwg and Romantic Forgery, Cardiff, 2007
'Combustible Matter': Iolo Morganwg and the Bristol Volcano, Aberystwyth, 2003
'Ossian in Wales and Brittany' in Howard Gaskill (ed.), The Reception of Ossian in Europe, London, 2004, pp. 67–90
'Pious Frauds and Perjurers: Iolo Morganwg's Truth Against The World' in Peter Knight and Jonathan Long (eds.), Fakes and Forgeries, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 119–34
'“This Wildernessed Business of Publication”: The Making of Poems, Lyric and Pastoral (1794)' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 123–45

Crowe, Richard M. 'Diddordebau Ieithyddol Iolo Morganwg', unpublished University of Wales Ph.D. thesis, 1988
'Iolo Morganwg – An Eighteenth-Century Welsh Linguist', Celtic Languages and Celtic Peoples: Proceedings of the Second North American Congress of Celtic Studies, eds Cyril J. Byrne, Margaret Harry and Pádraig Ó Siadhail, Nova Scotia, 1992, pp. 305–14
'Iolo Morganwg and the Dialects of Welsh' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 315–31
'Thomas Richards a John Walters: Athrawon Geiriadurol Iolo Morganwg' in Hywel Teifi Edwards (ed.), Llynfi, Afan, Garw ac Ogwr, Llandysul, 1998, pp. 227–51.

Davies, Ann Elsbeth. 'Cerddi Serch a Natur Iolo Morganwg', unpublished University of Wales M.Phil. thesis, 1999

Davies, Andrew. '“The Reputed Nation of Inspiration”: Representations of Wales in Fiction from the Romantic Period, 1780-1830', unpublished University of Wales Ph.D. thesis, 2001
'Uncontaminated with Human gore? Iolo Morganwg, Slavery and the Jamaican Inheritance' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 293–313

Davies, Caryl. Adfeilion Babel: Agweddau ar Syniadaeth Ieithyddol y Ddeunawfed Ganrif , Caerdydd, 2000

Davies, D. Elwyn. 'Astudiaeth o Feddwl a Chyfraniad Iolo Morganwg fel Rhesymolwr ac Undodwr', unpublished University of Wales Ph.D. thesis, 1975

Davies, Damian Walford. Presences that Disturb: Models of Romantic Identity in the Literature and Culture of the 1790s, Cardiff, 2002
'“At Defiance”: Iolo, Godwin, Coleridge, Wordsworth' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 147–72

Dearnley, Moira. '“Mad Ned” and the “Smatter-Dasher”: Iolo Morganwg and Edward “Celtic” Davies' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 425–42

Edwards, Huw Meirion. 'A Multitude of Voices: The Free-Metre Poetry of Iolo Morganwg' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 95–121

Ellis, Tecwyn. 'Bardd y Brenin, Iolo Morganwg a Derwyddiaeth', NLWJ, XIII (1963–4), 147–56, 224–34; XIV (1965–6), 183–93, 321–9, 424–36; XV (1967–8), 177–96
'Ymweliadau Iolo Morganwg â Meirionnydd', Journal of Merioneth Historical and Record Society, V, part III (1967), 239–50

Fitzpatrick, Martin. 'The “Cultivated Undertanding” and Chaotic Genius of David Samwell' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 383–402

Huws, Daniel. 'Iolo Morganwg and Traditional Music' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 333–56
Jarvis, Branwen. 'Iolo Morganwg and the Welsh Cultural Background' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 29–49

Jenkins, Geraint H. Facts, Fantasy and Fiction: The Historical Vision of Iolo Morganwg, Aberystwyth, 1997
'Perish Kings and Emperors, but Let the Bard of Liberty Live', Aberystwyth, 2006
(ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005
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'“Dyro Dduw dy Nawdd”: Iolo Morganwg a'r mudiad Undodaidd' in idem (ed.), Cof Cenedl XX: Ysgrifau ar Hanes Cymru, Llandysul, 2005, pp. 65–100
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'The Bard of Liberty during William Pitt's Reign of Terror' in Joseph Falaky Nagy and Leslie Ellen Jones (eds.), Heroic Poets and Poetic Heroes in Celtic Tradition: A Festschrift for Patrick K. Ford, CSANA Yearbook 3–4, Dublin, 2005, pp. 183–206
'The Unitarian Firebrand, the Cambrian Society and the Eisteddfod' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 269–92
'The Urban Experiences of Iolo Morganwg', WHR, 22, no. 3 (2005), 463–98

Jones, David Ceri. 'Fictions of the Self in the Correspondence of Edward Williams (Iolo Morganwg, 1727–1826)' in Tim Burke, Steve Clark and Katherine Turner (eds.), Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century, London, forthcoming
'“Mere Humbug”: Iolo Morganwg and the Board of Agriculture, 1796–1815', THSC, 10 (2004), 76–97
'The Board of Agriculture, Walter Davies ('Gwallter Mechain') and Cardiganshire, c. 1794–1815', Ceredigion, XIV, no. 1 (2001), 79–100
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Lewis, Ceri W. Iolo Morganwg, Caernarfon, 1995
'Iolo Morganwg' in Branwen Jarvis (ed.), A Guide to Welsh Literature c.1700–1800, Cardiff, 2000, pp. 126–67
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Lewis, Gwyneth, 'Eighteenth-century literary forgeries with special reference to the work of Iolo Morganwg', unpublished University of Oxford D.Phil. thesis, 1991
Linnard, William, 'Iolo Morganwg and Llantrithyd', NLWJ, XXV, no. 3 (1988), 296–312

Mee, John. Dangerous Enthusiasm: William Blake and the Culture of Radicalism in the 1790s, Oxford, 1992
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'The historical significance of Iolo Morganwg', Transaction of the Port Talbot Historical Society, II, no. 2 (1981), 59–68

Phillips, Geraint. 'Math o Wallgofrwydd: Iolo Morganwg, Opium a Thomas Chatterton', NLWJ, XXIX, no. 4 (1996), 391–410
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Phillips, W. J. 'Iolo Morganwg and the Rees family of Gelligron', NLWJ, XIV (1965–6), 227–36.

Roberts, Brynley. 'Mab ei dad: Taliesin ab Iolo Morganwg' in Hywel Teifi Edwards (ed.) Merthyr a Thaf, Llandysul, 2001, pp. 57–93
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Suggett, Richard. 'Iolo Morganwg: Stonecutter, Builder, and Antiquary' in Geraint H. Jenkins (ed.), Rattleskull Genius: The Many Faces of Iolo Morganwg, Cardiff, 2005, 197–226

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Wright, Herbert G. 'The relations of the Welsh bard Iolo Morganwg with Dr. Johnson, Cowper and Southey', Review of English Studies, VIII, 129–38
