PontypriddIolo did not hold a single Gorsedd ceremony between 1799 and 1814. But, when Napoleon retreated to Elba in 1814, the peace between Britain and France initiated a new wave of Gorsedd activity. Indeed, Iolo chose the restoration of peace ('Adferiad Heddwch') as a theme for the Gorsedd meetings organized at Pontypridd, 1 August 1814. Pontypridd was outside Iolo's usual catchment area and the new location reflects the influence of a new generation of poets such as Thomas Williams (Gwilym Morganwg) and Evan (or Ifan) Cule. These public meetings were held in the New Inn, a tavern owned by Thomas Williams, one of Iolo's most ardent admirers and one who became a valuable patron of the Gorsedd during this period of revival. Since Iolo was approaching his seventieth year, it is fair to assume that the Gorsedd activity during this period was driven by Thomas Williams's enthusiasm. Thomas Williams would advertise the Gorsedd meetings held on the Rocking-stone (y Maen Chwŷf), and the eisteddfodau which were held in his tavern soon became known as 'Cyfarfodydd Gwilym Morganwg' (Thomas Williams's meetings) or 'Cymdeithas y Maen Chwŷf' (the Rocking-stone society). These Gorsedd meetings also mark Taliesin Williams's involvement with the Gorsedd. Taliesin, Iolo's son, had been initiated an Ovate in absentia in a Gorsedd meeting in London in 1792, but he was fully initiated into the 'arcana of Druidism', as he put it, in 1814 in a Gorsedd meeting which recognized his coming of age as a Bard and indicated that Iolo was trying to establish him as his natural successor. The relative popularity of the Rocking-stone Gorseddau suggest that Iolo's Gorsedd meetings had become the hub of literary activity in the area, and his influence continued throughout the 19th century. In the first place, his Gorseddau provided opportunities for young poets to proclaim their verse, and as they grew in confidence, they published their work in journals such as Seren Gomer and in anthologies such as Llais Awen Gwent a Morganwg (1824), Awenyddion Morganwg, neu Farddoniaeth Cadair Merthyr Tudful (1826) and Ffrwyth yr Awen: sef Awdlau, Cywyddau, ac Ynglynion, a ddanfonwyd i Eisteddfod Gwent, Medi 1822 (1823). |